Test Bank For Advertising And Promotion Canadian 6th Edition By Guolla
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
- 1) Â An advertising agency that is set up, owned, and operated by the advertiser is called a(n): A) client management firm B) in-house agencyC) full-service agency D) centralized systemAnswer: B
- 2) Â A major reason for a client using a(n) ________ is to reduce advertising and promotion costs. A) client management system B) full-service systemC) self-sufficient agency D) in-house agencyAnswer: D
- 3) Â Companies who use a combination of in-house and outside agencies tend to use the external firms mostly for:A) sales presentations B) creative and media servicesC) direct mail pieces D) weekly circulars Answer: B
- 4) Â A major reason why some companies choose to use an in-house agency is to: A) maintain creative freshnessB) win advertising awards that will enhance the image of their brands C) better understand how advertising worksD) reduce advertising and promotions costsAnswer: D
- 5) Â Lack of sufficient internal expertise and personnel growing stale while working on the same product might be reasons why a company might move away from:A) the use of full-service advertising agencies B) a brand marketing systemC) an in-house agency D) the use of creative boutiques Answer: C
- 6) Â Joe Fresh moved its creativity in-house from an agency in order to: A) better understand how advertising worksB) encourage its staff to think about the brandC) provide full service at a lower costD) employ creatives from Target, who might have expertise in the U.S. marketAnswer: B
- 7) Â Target’s internal creative department handles the design of each of these elements EXCEPT:
A) weekly circularsC) in-store displays Answer: B
B) branding initiatives D) direct-mail pieces
8) Which of the following is assigned to Target’s outside agencies? A) direct-mail piecesB) branding and image-oriented communication C) weekly circulars and in-store displaysD) promotionsAnswer: B
- 9) Â Which of the following statements explains why an organization would want to use an outside advertising agency?
- A) Â An outside advertising agency has more knowledge of the brand’s identity and its previous promotional activities.
- B) Â An outside advertising agency helps the client gain more prestige and a better image.
- C) Â An outside advertising agency provides the client with the services of highly skilled individualswho are experts in a number of areas including creative, media, and research.
- D) Â An outside advertising agency saves money for the client.
Answer: C
- 10) Â When a client works for many years with a primary agency whose focus is on building the client’s brand, it is known as a(n):A) agency-of-record (AOR) B) full-service relationshipC) principle agency D) primary service provider Answer: A
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