Test Bank for Abnormal Psychology, 14th Edition By Ann M. Kring, Sheri L. Johnson

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Test Bank for Abnormal Psychology, 14th Edition By Ann M. Kring, Sheri L. Johnson

Package Title: Chapter 2, Testbank

Course Title: Kring, Abnormal Psych 14e

Chapter Number: 2

Question Type: Multiple Choice

1. What is the best way to describe current thinking about psychopathology?

a) It is multifaceted.

b) It is a mental disease.

c) It all can be cured.

d) Drug Therapy is the best way to treat all disorders.

Answer: a

Section Reference: The Genetic Paradigm

Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective: Describe the essentials of the genetic, neuroscience, and cognitive behavioral paradigms.

Bloomcode: Knowledge

2. A set of basic assumptions that defines how to conceptualize and study a subject, how to gather and interpret relevant data, even how to think about a particular subject is known as a ________________.

a) theoretical perspective.

b) hypothetical stance.

c) paradigm.

d) none of the above.

Answer: c

Section Reference: The Genetic Paradigm

Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective: Describe the essentials of the genetic, neuroscience, and cognitive behavioral paradigms.

Bloomcode: Knowledge

3. Paradigms in the study of psychopathology

a) increase objectivity.

b) slow innovation.

c) increase confidence in our conclusions regarding mental illness.

d) enable us to gather knowledge in a systematic manner.

Answer: d 

Section Reference: The Genetic Paradigm

Difficulty: Medium

Learning Objective: Describe the essentials of the genetic, neuroscience, and cognitive behavioral paradigms.

Bloomcode: Analysis

4. When a scientist chooses a paradigm to understand psychopathology, it

a) has little effect on clinical practice.

b) leads to an overly narrow perspective.

c) is generally too narrow in focus.

d) specifies which problems they will investigate and how they will go about investigating them.

Answer: d 

Section Reference: The Genetic Paradigm

Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective: Describe the essentials of the genetic, neuroscience, and cognitive behavioral paradigms.

Bloomcode: Knowledge

5. Contemporary views on genetic and environmental factors in behavior emphasize that

a) genes are important for only some behaviors.

b) a good environment can overcome genetic limitations.

c) both factors influence each other.

d) the percentage of genetic influence on a behavior can be measured.

Answer: c 

Section Reference: The Genetic Paradigm

Difficulty: Medium

Learning Objective: Describe the essentials of the genetic, neuroscience, and cognitive behavioral paradigms.

Bloomcode: Analysis

6. The carriers of the genetic information passed from parent to child are called

a) nature.

b) genes.

c) zygotes.

d) DNA.

Answer: b

Section Reference: The Genetic Paradigm

Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective: Describe the essentials of the genetic, neuroscience, and cognitive behavioral paradigms.

Bloomcode: Knowledge

7. What makes us unique is the

a) number of genes we have.

b) the amount of DNA we inherit.

c) the number of genes we inherit.

d) the sequencing of our genes.

Answer: d

Section Reference: The Genetic Paradigm

Difficulty: Easy

Learning Objective: Describe the essentials of the genetic, neuroscience, and cognitive behavioral paradigms.

Bloomcode: Knowledge

8. The switching on and off of certain genes is called

a) gene expression

b) gene sequencing

c) DNA ordering

d) DNA display

Answer: a

Section Reference: The Genetic Paradigm

Difficulty: EasyLearning Objective: Describe the essentials of the genetic, neuroscience, and cognitive behavioral paradigms.

Bloomcode: Knowledge

9. When discussing heritability, it is important to keep in mind all of the following EXCEPT:

a) heritability estimates range from 0.0 to 1.0.

b) the higher the heritability value, the greater the heritability.

c) heritability is relevant for a particular individual.

d) heritability is relevant for large populations.

Answer: c

Section Reference: The Genetic Paradigm

Difficulty: Medium

Learning Objective: Describe the essentials of the genetic, neuroscience, and cognitive behavioral paradigms.

Bloomcode: Analysis

10. According to behavior genetics research,

a) nonshared experiences have much more to do with mental illness than shared experiences.

b) shared experiences have much more to do with mental illness than nonshared experiences.

c) shared and nonshared experiences are equally important for mental illness.

d) there is no way to differentiate between shared and nonshared contributions to mental illness.

Answer: a

Section Reference: The Genetic Paradigm

Difficulty: Medium

Learning Objective: Describe the essentials of the genetic, neuroscience, and cognitive behavioral paradigms.

Bloomcode: Analysis


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